Tuesday, 1 March 2016

3 Signs You Have Pink Eye

Pink eye, a non-medical term for conjunctivitis, is just what it sounds like; a condition in which the eyes turn pink from irritation. The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane that covers your eyeballs and the inner surfaces of your eyelids. Conjunctivitis means irritation of the conjunctiva, so even the technical term for pink eye is a general one. The fact is, pink eye, or conjunctivitis, can have many causes including bacterial infection, viral infection, chemical contamination or allergies. If you suspect you have pink eye, you should visit an eye doctor. Here are three things that may indicate you have pink eye.

You wake up in the morning, only to find you cannot open your eyes. This is the most well-known, classic sign of pink eye. Often, the residue gluing your eyes shut is a thick, green or yellow discharge. This indicates that the most likely cause of the infection is bacterial. See a doctor for a prescription for antibiotic eye drops.

You have an unusually strong, clear discharge from one or both of your eyes, but it is more than just excessive tearing due to bright lights or wind. This may indicate an allergy-related cause or a viral infection. You should consult a doctor in this case, too, although antibiotics may not be prescribed for this type of irritation.

You feel like you have something in your eye, but upon examination, you realize that there is nothing there. It may feel like a grain of sand, or you may experience uncontrollable itching and burning. This may be a sign of viral infection or allergic reaction. See a doctor as soon as you can, and try your best to avoid scratching or rubbing your eyes.

Viral forms of pink eye are highly contagious, so frequent and thorough hand washing is vital if you believe you have been infected. Even if you have had pink eye before, you should visit an eye doctor to rule out other, possibly more dangerous conditions. Any time you experience abnormal discharge from your eyes, pain from being exposed to bright lights, sudden blurred or double vision or you see halos around bright objects, call your eye doctor or seek emergency treatment. Your vision is a precious asset, and anything that may negatively affect it must be treated immediately.

In itself, pink eye may not be dangerous, but because it is almost always annoying and highly contagious, you should have it looked at right away. For pink eye treatment in El Cajon, visit this website.

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